These Terms and Conditions govern your use of (hereinafter referred to as the "Website", "Website" and "Platform") and constitute a condition for using the website and the services offered on . Therefore, it is necessary to read them carefully and in case you do not agree with them or with a part of them, immediately stop using the Internet page.

  1. Terminology
    1. "Terms and Conditions" - means these Terms and Conditions.
    2. "Website", "Internet Page", "Platform" - means the Internet address .
    3. "User", "User" - means the persons using the website and/or the services provided.
    4. "User profile" - means a separate part of the website containing information about the User, provided by the latter during his registration on the website.
    5. "Software" - means all or any part of the software technology delivered to the User under these General Terms and Conditions. Software consists of software, an interface, and Content, whether or not technically considered software code. The software is the property of BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD, EIK 202428382, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, p.k. 1303, Tsar Simeon St. No. 154. The direct connection between the Platform and the User is made via the Internet.
    6. "Content" - means generally "Digital Content" within the meaning of the EPA, namely data that is produced and delivered in digital form, such as computer games, anti-virus programs, applications, movies, music, texts, e-books, newspapers, magazines, software or online games, database, Internet betting sites and others, whether accessible by download or real-time transmission, by physical medium or by any other means.
    7. "Virtual POS" - means a logical device defined in the bank's card system, for remote acceptance of electronic payments with bank cards through an Internet site.
  2. What is ?
    1. is a platform for selling trainings and materials for users interested in methods, tactics and useful tips on various topics related to business and life.
    2. is owned by BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD, EIK 202428382, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, p.k. 1303, Tsar Simeon St. No. 154, which administers and manages the platform.
    3. BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD is a company registered in the Republic of Bulgaria, with EIK 202428382, hereinafter referred to as the "Company" for short.
  3. Subject to these terms and conditions
    1. These terms and conditions constitute both General Terms and Conditions for the use of , as well as a contract between you ("Users", "Users") and the Company.
    2. The text of these General Terms and Conditions is available on the global network, on the website in a way that allows its storage and reproduction. An electronic link to the website containing the text of these General Terms and Conditions is located on the website.
    3. By using , including using the services and content offered on the website, opening the website, each user automatically declares that he is familiar with these General Terms and Conditions, agrees with them and undertakes to comply with them.
    4. In the event that a user does not agree with these terms or a part of them, he should stop using the website.
    5. If any provision of these terms is held invalid by a decision of the appropriate jurisdiction, the remaining provisions will remain in effect.
  4. Terms of Use
    1. Through any form of use of the platform or its content, respectively parts of its Content, including registration on the website, you confirm and declare your agreement to be bound by these General Terms and Conditions and that you are of the required age to enter into binding contracts.
  5. Featured Content
    1. The content of the Platform includes digital courses and materials, including videos, trainings on various topics, questionnaires and others.
    2. The listed price is final for the User. The method of delivery of the services is electronically and there is no additional charge.
    3. BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD is not responsible for inaccuracies in the description and does not claim completeness of the information provided.
    4. The user places an order for digital content - a digital course or other educational materials - by visiting the "Store" section, selecting a product, as well as a quantity, and clicking the "Buy" button.
  6. Use of Website Content
    1. All Content published on is subject to copyright and is protected by law and applicable national and international legislation, treaties and conventions.
    2. You may use all services offered on the Website for personal needs, for non-profit purposes and provided that the copyrights of the Company or of third parties related directly or indirectly to the materials on the Website are not violated and you have paid for the specified product.
  7. Grant of rights.
    1. BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD grants the User a personal, non-exclusive, limited and non-transferable right to use part of the Content of , allowing the User to carry out the permitted use according to the General Terms and Conditions.
    2. All passwords or controlled access information provided by the Company are confidential information for which the User is solely responsible.
    3. After registration, you have the right to conclude a service contract - access via the Internet to the Content offered on for a fee.
    4. The User gets full access to the Content he has chosen after receiving the relevant amount from the Company.
    5. The User agrees that after payment of the remuneration for the Content selected by him and after the same has started with the express consent of the User, the latter has no right to refuse. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties agree that in the event of the User's refusal of the "digital content" he has chosen ( see T&C ), the remuneration paid by him shall be withheld by the Company and shall serve as a penalty for exercising refusal of these General Terms and Conditions conditions.
    6. The user agrees that he has no right to replace the selected and paid digital course with another one.
  8. Reward
    1. Payment for the selected Content is made with a debit or credit card through a virtual POS terminal.
    2. The Company does not require your credit/debit card details. After you have confirmed the Content you want on the website, the Platform sends you to a virtual POS terminal and you enter your credit/debit card information there yourself. Encryption technology is used to protect and encode the card information. The company uses the services of a third party - a provider and processor of payment services. You provide your credit/debit card details directly to the third party and not to the Company.
    3. The prices for the relevant Content are indicated on the website and are current at the time of your order. Prices are in the currency shown next to them. In case of currency conversion fees, these are borne by you.
    4. The Company has the right to change the prices indicated on the Website at its discretion, at any time and without being obliged to notify the Users in advance. The user is obliged to pay the price that was indicated on the website during the selection of the digital course, tutors, material, etc.
  9. Registration
    1. Registration is a mandatory prerequisite, both for purchasing the digital courses and other training materials, and for accessing them.
    2. It is necessary for Users to create their User Profiles on the Website in order to be able to use the Content offered.
    3. Registration is free.
    4. Registration can only be done by persons who are of legal age and able to act.
    5. Upon registration, the User undertakes to fill in the registration form indicated on the Website, with which to create his User Profile. The data to be filled in is as follows:
        • Name;
        • Email;
        • Password.
    6. Registration is done via the "My Profile" button in the upper right part of the page, after which the "Create Registration" button is clicked. Users fill in their personal data in the empty fields.
    7. When logging in/registering to the Website via Facebook, the User allows the Website to use his username, e-mail and profile picture for quick registration on the Website. In this case, re-registration on the Website is not necessary. The user can log into his user account from the Facebook login button without entering his login details.
    8. The responsibility for the use of the profile rests with the User, and the latter will be responsible under these Terms of Use.
    9. We reserve the right to terminate a user account at any time without notice.
  1. Bulletin
    1. In case you want to be the first to know about our latest Content, you can sign up for our newsletter.
    2. What you need to do is to provide us with your email and press the button "Sign me up for the newsletter" on the site . Since signing up for the newsletter requires you to provide us with personal data, you can find out how we handle your personal data in our Privacy Policy.
  2. Statement of ownership.
    1. Everything that is present on is the exclusive property of BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD.
    2. All publications, including images and visual elements, on the Website are the exclusive intellectual property of BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD or the latter has the right to use the same.
    3. All industrial property rights, including but not limited to trademarks, etc., which are the property of BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD can be used only by BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD.
    4. You are not entitled to use in any way intellectual and/or industrial property rights that are placed on the website and do not belong to you.
    5. The User may not sell, rent, lease, sublicense, reproduce, advertise, distribute, transfer or share, use in any other way / including by processing, translation and others/ The content of the Platform or parts of it. The User has no right to grant access to the Platform.
    6. The User has no right to translate, rework, adapt and make other changes to the Platform, its Content, Software or parts thereof, including for debugging.
    7. The User is not entitled to make a copy or copies of all or parts of the Platform Content, including for archival purposes.
    8. The User may not distribute activation code(s), registration codes, development license authorization files to third parties without prior consent of the Company.
    9. For any unregulated use, users are obliged to indemnify BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD and/or the relevant person whose rights have been infringed.
  3. Product inquiries and feedback
    1. In the event that a user wishes to contact us, including receiving more information about a product offered, he may do so through the contact form in the "Feedback" section of the Website.
    2. In order to receive the requested information, it is necessary to provide the following data: two names and an e-mail.
  4. User responsibility
    1. The User undertakes to observe good manners when and during the use of the Platform, including but not limited to not damaging the good name and authority of the Platform, the Company or individual elements of its Content
    2. In case of non-compliance with any of the rules under these General Terms and Conditions, the Company has the right to exclude violators from the Platform, limit their access to the Platform, delete their registration; to terminate these General Terms and Conditions unilaterally and without notice. The judgment rests with the Company.
    3. In case of violation of any of the rules under these General Terms and Conditions, the User agrees that he is responsible to the Company for all damages and losses related to this violation.
  5. Disclaimer
    1. The content of the Website is provided "as is" without warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of performance, of a particular level of product quality, fitness for a particular purpose or other warranty.
    2. BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD does not guarantee that the Website and its Content will meet the requirements and needs of the User or that the same are free of defects or errors, fault-tolerant or fail-safe or that any inconsistencies can or will be removed, and that their use will be uninterrupted. BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD does not guarantee the reliability of the Website. BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD disclaims all other warranties or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, system integration and non-infringement of intellectual property rights. The Website and its Content are not designed, manufactured or intended for use in conditions or for applications that may cause death, bodily injury, property damage or environmental damage. Any such use is at the User's own risk and expense.
    3. The entire liability of BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD shall be limited, entirely at its discretion, to the repair, correction or processing of the Website. The repair, correction or processing of the Website is carried out by BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD in the scope, volume and term at its discretion. The judgment of BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD under this clause cannot serve as a basis for claims or claims by the User for payment of benefits or others from BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD. The User is not entitled to damages, claims or other forms of claims arising from the need for or from corrections, corrections or processing of the Website.
  6. Limitation of Liability.
    1. BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD is not responsible to the User for failure to provide services from in the event of circumstances beyond its control - in cases of force majeure, random events, problems in the global Internet network, as well as in the case of unregulated access or intervention of third parties in the functioning of the information system or the servers through which functions.
  7. Personal data.
    1. We process your personal data according to our Privacy Policy.
  8. General provisions.
    1. We reserve the right to make changes to these Terms of Use at any time by promptly posting such changes on together with a notice of such changes to the Terms of Use. Users will be considered notified from the date the notice is posted.
    2. We reserve the right to terminate all activity related to at any time without the need to issue a warning to Users.
    3. We have the right to introduce additional restrictions in the present Terms of Use, related to the use of the Internet page or individual parts of its Content, when the absence of such restrictions may lead to violations of intellectual property rights of third parties. Changes come into effect on the day they are made.
    4. We reserve the right to suspend access to the Website at any time, in case of detected software crashes, installation updates, as well as for diagnostics and other support.
  9. Applicable law and jurisdiction.
    1. For everything not settled in these Terms of Use, the provisions of the current Bulgarian legislation apply.
    2. All disputes arising between Us and the Users will be resolved in a spirit of understanding and goodwill. In the event that no agreement is reached, all unresolved disputes will be referred to the competent courts in the Republic of Bulgaria, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
  10. How to shop with tbi bank?

    1. Select the desired product on the merchant's website - ( with a value equal to or greater than BGN 150, click "Buy with tbi bank", which you will find on the "View Card" step, and select the payment term. Expect a call from our Customer Service Center employee to collect additional data from you.

    2. After the call, you will receive an answer to your request via SMS. In case of approval, you will receive an SMS and an email with a secret link through which you can attach your ID card.

3. After confirmation of your identity by us, you will receive via SMS and email a link with the documents that you are about to sign to complete the payment purchase. A call followed from our employee, who will sign the package of documents with you using an OTP code sent to you via SMS. After signing them, you will receive the entire set of documents to the email you submitted.

Your data is completely protected - you go through digitized verification and signature with a special code. The signing process is 100% digitized and fully GDPR compliant. You don't have to install additional signature applications or make additional registrations;

Pay off your installment as you like online/offline - tbi bank provides you with 11 convenient ways to pay your monthly installment, and you can now do it lightning fast from anywhere through our mobile

These General Terms and Conditions are in effect from 15.09.2023 .