Cookie management and use policy

By using this site, you agree to the terms of use of cookies. You can control and manage cookies through your browser. Please note that removing or blocking cookies may affect the practical operation of the website as well as its functionalities.

  1. Nature of cookies
    1. Cookies are small text files that are saved on your computer or mobile device when you visit . They improve the performance of the website and enable its normal functioning, serve to control security and improve your user experience.
  1. Types of cookies and purpose of their use
    1. Session cookies
      Session cookies are stored on your device only during the current session, while browsing . They ensure the functioning of the site and the display of the amount of information that corresponds to your internet consumption. They also remember your decision regarding the use of cookies. These cookies do not contain personal data and are deleted when you close your browser. They allow us to detect and fix problems and provide better navigation.
    2. Persistent cookies
      These cookies are used for the purpose of personalization, collecting access statistics, improving the usability of the site and its overall performance. They are used to remember your settings and preferences in order to improve your subsequent visits to the website.
    3. Advertising cookies
      Advertising or targeting cookies collect information about your usual user behavior and are used to personalize the ads we show you. This way you see the ads that are relevant to you. They are also used to evaluate the effectiveness of advertising campaigns.
    4. Google Analytics cookies
      We also use Google Analytics cookies, which collect general statistics related to how users use the website, in order to improve the performance and navigation of the website. Google supplements these statistics with general demographic and user interest information.
    5. Facebook Pixel cookies
      Through them, we can track the actions of users of our site who have clicked on our Facebook ad. In this way, we may keep statistics on the effectiveness of our advertising communication on the social network. In addition, through the information from it, we can create special advertising campaigns to certain audiences based on their interests. Facebook Pixel is owned by Facebook Inc. and they store the information from the records. The information collected on the advertising platform is anonymous to us, but Facebook may associate it with your account according to the rules of their privacy policy, which you can find at .
  1. Data we collect through our cookies
    1. When you use our cookies, we receive the IP address of the device you use when you visit the website. We use the IP address to ensure the functionality of the website, for security purposes and to perform diagnostics.
  1. Controlling cookies
    1. You can change your browser settings at any time, including deleting or blocking cookies. You can prohibit the use of cookies or accept all cookies, as well as wish to be explicitly asked about each cookie. Information about your browser's settings can be found in its documentation. For more detailed information, see org.
  1. Consequences of disabling some of the cookies
    1. Due to the fact that cookies are necessary for the normal functioning of , disabling them may result in the inability to use some of the website's functionalities.
  1. Changes to this policy
    1. We reserve the right to change this policy at any time by updating, supplementing and amending it. You can find out about changes in this policy from , "Cookie Policy" section.