Personal data privacy policy


  1. What is the current policy?
    1. We recognize the need to implement adequate protection for your personal data. With this policy, we want to inform you about the personal data we collect, who will process it and how, what we use it for, how long we will store it, and what protection measures we have taken to keep it safe.
    2. Please read this document carefully before submitting your personal data .
  2. Who processes your personal data?
    1. is a website offering digital content with a focus on personal development in various fields and is owned by BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD, EIK 202428382, with headquarters and management address: Blagoevgrad, p.k. 1303, 154 "Tsar Simeon" St., hereinafter referred to as "Administrator" for brevity.
    2. We are the Administrator of your personal data. As such, we are responsible for the processing and storage of your personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation) and Bulgarian legislation.
    3. Contact with the Administrator can be made in any of the following ways:
  • In writing to the address: Blagoevgrad, 154 "Tsar Simeon" St.;
  • On phone number: +359877646030;
  • To e-mail:;
  • Through the contact form available through the "Contacts" section of the website.
  1. In which cases do we process your personal data?
    1. We only process your personal data if you provide it to us yourself. The Website contains options that allow:
  • to register on our Website;
  • to contact us in relation to placing an order for specific digital content;
  • to make an inquiry about our product;
  • contact us using the contact form in the "Feedback" section;
  • to subscribe to our newsletter in case you want to receive interesting news and offers.
    • In cases where you decide to use any of the above options, the Administrator processes your personal data.

    1. What categories of personal data do we process?
  • Three or two names;
  • Email;
  • Phone number.
  • Data collected when registering on the site:
        1. When you decide to create your profile on , you need to enter the following personal data: name and e-mail. After registration, you can also provide your profile picture.
        2. An opportunity has also been created for you to register by logging in. In this case, Facebook shares with the Administrator names and e-mail for verification, as well as a profile picture.
  • Data collected when using the feedback form
    1. If you wish to contact the Administrator through the provided contact form, which you can open from the "Feedback" section of the website, it is necessary to provide: name and email address. At your discretion, you may also provide other personal data contained in your message.
  • Data collected when subscribing to a newsletter
    1. In case you want to be the first to know about our new offers and products, you can subscribe to our newsletter. For this purpose, you need to provide: name and email address.

  • We process your personal data for the following purposes:
          • To provide you with the services offered through ;
          • To carry out our activities as a provider of the relevant digital content;
          • To respond to your inquiries and messages sent to us through our contact form;
          • For direct marketing purposes, in case you have subscribed to our newsletter and wish to receive interesting news and offers;
          • If necessary for the purposes of official proceedings such as civil cases, etc.;
          • For other purposes, when a certain applicable law obliges us to carry out this processing or when we have received your express consent in this direction.
        1. On what grounds do we process your personal data?
  • We process your personal data based on any of the following grounds:
    • given consent to process personal data for one or more specific purposes;
    • the processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of a contract;
    • the processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation that applies to the administrator in the person of BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD, EIK 202428382, with headquarters and address of management: Blagoevgrad, p.k. 1303, 154 Tsar Simeon St.;
    • the processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests of the administrator or a third party, except when the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject that require the protection of personal data prevail over such interests.
  • In all cases, we will process your personal data on the grounds provided for in Art. 6 of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of April 27, 2016.

        1. Do we use cookies?
  • In order to improve the performance and quality of website functions, the Administrator uses cookies. You can see more about the use of cookies in the Cookie Policy.
        1. Who can we share your personal data with?
  • We may share your personal data with the following categories of recipients:
    • State and municipal bodies with authority;
    • Commercial companies serving BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD, EIK 202428382, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, p.k. 1303, 154 Tsar Simeon St. accounting and legal;
    • Commercial companies that provide us with information security support, IT systems support, website support;
    • Our partners who carry out consulting activities in the field of real estate, marketing agencies, etc.;
  • BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD, EIK 202428382, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, 154 "Tsar Simeon" Street, has introduced appropriate technical and organizational measures to guarantee the rights and freedoms of data subjects. We may share your personal data with the aforementioned categories of recipients, but only if they have taken the necessary guarantees and measures to ensure the appropriate level of security.
  • BUILDING BOX BULGARIA EOOD, EIK 202428382, with headquarters and management address: Sofia, 154 Tsar Simeon St. does not transfer personal data provided to it by the data subjects to third countries outside the European Union. The transfer of personal data in this case can only be carried out after we notify you in writing in advance and indicate the specific reason for the transfer.

        1. How long will we keep your personal data?
  • Your personal data will be stored for the minimum period necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data are processed, and those that need to be kept under the applicable legislation - for the corresponding stipulated period. After the achievement of the purpose, the expiration of the stipulated period, or after the withdrawal of your consent, the personal data will be deleted.
        1. What rights do you have as a data subject?

You have the following rights, for which the Administrator will assist at any time:

      • Right to information
        You have the right to receive information at the time of collection of your personal data about the data that the Administrator collects, who will process it, for what purposes and on what grounds.
      • Right of access
        At any time, you have the right to request access to your personal data stored by the Administrator. You also have the right to request the provision of a free copy of your personal data that is being processed.
      • Right to rectification
        You have the right to request that your personal data be corrected in order to keep it up-to-date and accurate.
      • Right to erasure (right to be forgotten)
        You have the right to request that your personal data is deleted after it is no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing or after the grounds for the processing have ceased to exist.
      • Right to restriction of processing
        In certain cases, you have the right to request the restriction of the processing of your personal data
      • Right of portability
        You may request to receive your personal data in a structured, widely used and machine-readable format (i.e. in digital form) and request the transfer of your data to another controller designated by you, if this is possible and feasible.
      • Right to withdraw consent
        Where the processing of your personal data is based on consent, you can withdraw it at any time. Thus, the Administrator is obliged not to process your personal data in the future.
      • Right of appeal
        You have the right to seek protection of your rights through the Personal Data Protection Commission (PCPD). CPLD is an independent state body that monitors the legality of personal data processing activities. Complaints to the CPLD can be submitted in person or by letter to the address: Sofia 1592, "Prof. Tsvetan Lazarov" No. 2,; by fax - 029153525; electronically to the CPDP email address - . More information about the procedure can be found at the Internet address: .
      1. How can you exercise your rights?
        1. You can exercise any of the listed rights by sending a written notification to the address: Sofia, 154 "Tsar Simeon" St., addressed to the Administrator. The application can also be submitted electronically in accordance with the Law on Electronic Documents and Electronic Signatures. The application is submitted personally by you or by a person authorized by you, unless a special law provides otherwise.
        2. The application should contain name, address and other identification data of the relevant individual, description of the request, preferred form of communication and actions under Art. 15-22 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, signature, date of submission of the application and address for correspondence. In case the application is submitted by proxy, a power of attorney should also be attached.
        3. If you have any questions about how to exercise your rights, please contact us at (…).
        4. For your convenience and in order to fulfill our obligations under the General Data Protection Regulation, you can withdraw your consent to receive our newsletter at any time by using the specially designed functionality for this in every email you receive from us. This can be done by pressing the "Unsubscribe" button. In this case, we will stop processing your personal data and delete it from our database.
      2. What measures have we taken to protect your personal data?
        1. The administrator is well aware of the importance of your personal data being processed correctly and protected. The Administrator's team has introduced adequate technical and organizational measures to protect your personal data. These measures, among others, ensure compliance with the principles underlying the processing of personal data by ensuring that your personal data is:
          • Processed lawfully, in good faith and in a transparent manner with respect to you as the data subject ("lawfulness, good faith and transparency");
          • Collected for specific, explicitly stated and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner incompatible with those purposes ("purpose limitation");
          • Appropriate, relevant and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed ("data minimization");
          • Accurate and kept up to date. We have taken all reasonable measures to ensure the prompt deletion or correction of inaccurate personal data, taking into account the purposes for which it is processed ("accuracy");
          • Stored in a form that allows the identification of the data subject for a period no longer than is necessary for the purposes for which the personal data are processed ("storage limitation");
          • Processed in a manner that provides an appropriate level of personal data security, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage, by applying appropriate technical or organizational measures ("integrity and confidentiality");
          • The administrator is responsible and is able to demonstrate that it complies with the basic principles related to the processing of personal data ("accountability").
      1. What if you are under 18?
        1. We do not process personal data of persons under the age of 18. If you provide us with your personal data, you declare that you are at least 18 years old.
      2. When can we change the current policy?
        1. The administrator reserves the right to change this policy at any time by updating, supplementing and amending it. You can find out about changes in this policy at .